Sometimes I want to be one of those happy, drunk people in Time Square, shrieking 10…9…8.. as the ball drops and then kissing some random stranger next to me.
I’m not, and I doubt that I ever will be.
I’m happier living vicariously through some TV personalities, as they get drunk off tequila shots, while I’m sitting comfortably in my own living room, surrounded by good friends and family.
For me, it’s not really how I end the old year, but how I start the new one.
I guess I’m like a lot of people when I say the first day of the year fills me with excitement and reverence. I feel alive with the possibility of all the fresh starts that the new year promises.
Last year, I made a resolution that I would lose 20 pounds. I’ve done this more times than I can count, only 2019 was the year I actually accomplished it. This morning, January 1, 2020, I was asking myself why I succeeded this year when I hadn’t the other years.
My answer may seem simplistic, but it really worked for me: Greet every morning with the same attitude that I greet the first of January. If every January is a fresh start, then every morning is, too. Heck, every moment can be a fresh start.
This is a year of fresh starts for us at Pomeline. We hope you like our new logo as much as we do.
Welcome 2020. We’ve been expecting you!